After having over 7 bike fits on 7 different bikes I can honestly say that I have never felt so dialed in on my road and TT bikes. After racing at the professional level where every second counts (and I needed every second I could get) Kameel provided me not just the comfort through the fittings but also gave me a couple of extra watts that over the course of an Ironman made a big difference in my performance both on the bike as well as coming off and running a marathon without the typical aches that I used to have. Rest assured that with the experience, dedication, commitment, and passion that Kameel delivers to ALL of his clients I am confident that you won't find a better bike fitter anywhere.
Thank you Kameel for all that you have done for me and all that you continue to do to with your contributions in making cycling and triathlon better for all of the athletes and teams that you work with!!